The purpose of Integrated Case Management Services is to assist adults with serious and persistent mental illness to better manage their illness, increase their mastery of life skills, and improve their sense of well being. This is achieved through personalized, collaborative, and flexible outreach. This outreach is designed to engage, support, and integrate people with mental illnesses into the communities of their choice by facilitating their use of available resources.
ICMS provides a full range of case management services including assessment, service planning, service linkage, psychoeducation, advocacy, crisis intervention assistance, direct assistance in obtaining the basic necessities of daily living and in performing daily living tasks, symptom management, and substance abuse education and intervention.
A person is automatically referred to ICMS upon admission to the State Psychiatric Hospital at Ancora. Other referrals may be made from the local Short-Term Care Facility in Bridgeton, Crisis Screening, County hospitals or directly from the community.
Integrated Case Management Services:
(856) 825-6810 Ext. 295
Fax: (856) 825-6342
- Making contact with individuals during hospitalization and participating in discharge planning
- Linking individuals with mental health community-based services
- Providing support for mental health and non-mental health appointment followup, for example appointment reminders, transportation arrangements, etc.
- Offering consumer advocacy and family consultation
- Provide a full range of case management services for those individuals living
with severe and persistent mental illness living within the community Be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to respond to and provide for support in emergency situations, should they emerge - Facilitate a smooth transition into the community after a period of hospitalization
with a view toward increasing the individual’s level of functioning in his/her own
home environment - Foster stability and maximal integration into community life