The Supported Employment Services program at The Guidance Center provides individuals with mental health challenges the opportunity to develop vocational skills, and choose, secure, and retain employment in today’s workforce within the community.
SES offers employment opportunities to the participant both on and off the job site as desired. The program is a collaborative effort involving the participant, employer, employment specialist, and other members of the individual’s support team such as counselors, case managers, family and co-workers.
Supported Employment provides individuals with pre-placement activities, job seeking skills, interviewing skills and job placement.
Guidance Center employment specialists visit potential employers in the community in order to hear of available postilions. Other employment sources are researched regularly. A listing of job openings is kept current and available for individuals to choose a job that matches their interest and skills.
Individuals are offered help establishing the supports necessary for job retention. If a specific accommodation is needed on the job, an employment specialist works with the individual and employer to make sure such needs are met.
Supported Employment Services:
(856) 825-6810 Ext. 295
Fax: (856) 825-6342