January 2022
The Cumberland County Guidance Center remains committed to providing quality services to the community during these uncertain times. As safety of our staff and individuals served are the highest priority, services are being rendered through Telehealth and in-person services where indicated. All programs are open and accepting new referrals.
Adult Partial Care (APC)
Currently all services are provided via video Telehealth and telephone support. Participants of the Adult Partial Care program and individuals wanting to initiate new services should contact (856) 825-6810 ext. 220.
Case Management Services
Integrated Case Management (ICMS), Justice Involved Services (MJHI), Supportive Employment (SES), Project for Assistance in the Transition from Homelessness (PATH), and Community Support Services (CSS).
Case management programs are operating through both Telehealth and community-based direct services. All case management programs are accepting new referrals for individuals who meet the program specific criteria. Please call (856) 825-6810, ext. 200 to schedule an appointment.
Intensive Family Support Services (IFSS)
IFSS is providing individual services through video, phone support and in person services, group services are provided via Telehealth services.
To initiate services, please call (856) 825-6810, ext. 200.
The Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT)
The PACT program is open and providing both Telehealth and direct services to individuals in the community. To inquire about PACT services or to make a referral, please call (856) 825-6810, ext. 200.
For urgent issues for enrolled PACT persons, please call:
Cumberland on call: (856) 297-1711
Salem on call: (856) 297-1684
The Outpatient program is providing both counseling and medication management via Telehealth services only. New services can be initiated by calling our Access Line (856) 825-6810, ext. 261. Active outpatient participants requesting medication management can call (856) 825-6810, ext. 208 for a review of service needs.
Residential Services
Residential services continue to be fully operational.
Emergency Screening Services (Crisis)
Emergency Screening continues to provide all services to those experiencing a psychiatric crisis, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health crisis, please call our hotline (856) 455-5555.
Additional Resources
The Peer Recovery Warmline: (877) 292-5588; TTY (877) 294-4356
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-8255